Make a mixtape with separate track directly

Hello.. what'up bro..
As a dj would make a mixtape has become imperative, with a mix-tape which we can measure our improvement dj techniques, especially techniques in mixing songs with dj software or hardware. Common mix-tape we know usually have a long duration, and it is sometimes difficult for us if you want to hear in the middle of the song on the list. Did you know other than our mixtape cut manually using Nero software, we can make a mixtape with separate track directly at the time we make it. Then we can burn to audio cd.

How do I?

By using the software VirtualDJ or mixmeister. But my advice is better to use the software VirtualDJ. Because in the VirtualDJ software track by track cutting function has been provided, namely in the config menu recording. For more details, see the picture below:


Manual cut.

Activate the "split in multiple files", on the config menu recording. Then the "cut" to the right start recording will appear. So, when you want to cut the track into the second track and then you just click "cut ". But don't forget to click star recording before.

Timing for the easy way is to cut at the turn of the song or (crossfade), and for the accuracy please fill in your own. So, when you click "cut", the next song automatically becomes track 2, and so on.

Automatic cutting

The way above is the manual way. If you want an automatic way when creating a mix-tape with separate track please activate the "Auto split on crossfade". So, when you do a "crossfade", then automatically VirtualDJ will make the next track.

Either way you can use to record the song when it will make a mixtape with separate track directly.  It's up to you which way would you use. I use the first way is manually cut, because I use the internal mixer in VirtualDJ  when I creating a mixtape,  and use the volume level in the process of mixing song. How to process making mixtape with virtualdj read at the process make mixtape post. Then use way on above. Good try.


  1. terlalu canggih bagi saya...
    menikmati musik yg udah jadi aja dah...hehehe


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