How to create cue on virtual dj

Because many friend ask to me about how to create CUE on the virtual dj correctly moment deejaying. They not understand way to create cue position correctly. they have to do is make important cue without knowing the techniques correctly. and when starting alway bad. Ok, here I want to share using this blog about how to create CUE on virtual dj software.


The CUE is determine the initial knock on the track. The Cue in use moment we djing using virtual dj or CDj. Why do must using CUE? because the Cue in use to the start play.

How to create cue on virtual dj? look the picture. It's just for sample. I'm using Denon sugestion skin.

on this picture track on the desk B is bad position CUE. green color determine for cue position rule.

That you do just loading a track on the desk B.
from the picture you can see that track on desk B not on the cue position (red color). Way to CUe is just do move or drug your track go to mid ruler position on Wav grafik, then click CUE/STOP button such as in the picture.Video here

You can see on the video how to create cue here if you still not understand.
Finish: I hope this article useful for you. Next article djing use virtual dj software techniques below.

b. Looping
c. Beatmaching
d. Synchronize
