virtual dj 6 portable

virtual dj software does not require installation as general version. Not also need serial number. After you finish downloading just place the 3 files into the program files folder and then create a shortcut to your desktop. just double click to run software virtual dj portable 6. skin which is already fully provided for beginners and for remixer (compatible for all screen resulotion). or download here--mirorlink

but unfortunately for the efect only provide 3 types. if you want to add effects to do it manually just copy and paste. if you want to try it please download here, free. if you are not satisfied, please visit and buy regular version.

after you run the software virtual dj 6 portable folder is automatically created as: fonts, effects, and others. again.. if you change the skin screen will be automatic to become full screen. Display screen can't change. good luck for djing or mixing.


  1. ngga ngeh soal alat DJ, tapi boleh jg artikel ini buat tau dikit2 ttg prkakas DJ nya, sukses bro. dtunggu komentnya yah

  2. Nice tools dude, nice blog to. Tambah rame neh blognya sob... ;)

  3. ION Discover DJ Def & Mapper v1.1

    I'm looking for a ion discover dj mapper & def file to find under
    Unfortunately I have only VDJ5 Home and can't download it but want to try out my ION Discover DJ with the VDJ 6 Trial. Can somebody help me & send me
    that mapping file / defintion file - Thanx in advance

  4. hi friend i want to know how to create desktop shortcut for virtual dj 6. thanks


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