How to Cue phone

What's up bro?? are you hapy to day!'
sure. so, what you want to know? I want to know about how to cue phone. ok. To cue phone just simple friend if your virtual dj software use skin denon s3500 sugesstion or other skin and suport internal mixer CUe phone / cue mix is just activating CUE MIX of function in mixer area. then do up half (virtual dj 5.2) if your software version 4 - 5.1 do full up. You can hear 2 song in your headphone, and then you can to equal the beat it. To equalized the beat you can using SYNC, PITCH BEND djing of the momment or just mixing own trak. see the picture hereunder you can get info to cue phone of detail.

on the picture that have circle blue color is CUE MIX CUE PHONE
Green cicle color is SYNC
Red circle color is PITCH BEND
Now you can see to cue phone/cue mix. if the position cue mix at center, you can hear two track.
if position at left you just hear one track in deck 2
if position cue mix at right you just hear the track at deck 1
so that, you do set on the CENTER. Don't forget to activating CUE level volume

But my soundcard just one, friend.
you crazy friend. If your soundcard just one and just have 1 input so, where you put your headphone jack? You need 2 the soundcard to hear 2 the track in to your phone then seting on virtual dj CONFIG like this:

1. Go to COnfig of menu
2. chosse sound setup
3. in OUTPUT choose headphone
4. In soundcars choose 2 cards
5. see picture here

so that, to cue phone/cue mix you must using 2 soundcard or usb sound. but If you use usb sound maya 44 you not need 2 soundcard. the maya 44 usb sound having 4 input and output.

ok friend I hope can help you.


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