DJ tips: using virtual dj

see you again friend..How about your djing? I hope your performing always to be the mounting. Did you know I'm djing use virtual dj software have the two year more but this year I use cdj 1000 . first, i use virtual dj 4.3 then v5.0, 5.7 and now I use ver 5.2 pro. during hence this software I have same the experience how to be djing use the virtual dj become better. here my tips djing use virtual dj:

1. Use wav file if you wish to create the mixtape or remix the track with using the Recording of function . Because the quality of sound that of the result is very good. encode your mp3 to wav use the nero software at Encoding of menu. How to encoding mp3 please read here

2. Use Mp3 format file 320 kbbs.
3. If you have new the song collection go soon to ANALIZE use BPM analizer at virtual dj
4. set your Option to become auto, such as (auto pitch, bpm, gain , auto cue and ect) if you don't know how set vdj config here way to.

5. Use the Skin vdj that of simple if you have live mixing as like Dn-sugestion or dn hc 4500 variation because the knob of functuion easy to remember and use.

6. Don't alway use SYNC to equalize the beat sometimes not equal. use PITCH BEND is very recommended but you must set your config option as auto.

7. If use virtual dj v 5.2 with the internal mixer setting my suggestion use the skin pioneer dvj 1000 variation because it's support for internal mixer. download here if you haven't.

8. Join to the dj comunity for improve your perfoming here.
9. Create the keyboard shortcut if you want to be easy the momment of djing. how to create the keyboard shortcut at virtual dj here.

10. as good don't load other program when virtual dj software active because sometime the resulting virtual dj Hang.

11. Don't too long to the song commutation because can make your audience boring. the time play the song is 3 - 4 menit but depend the song.

Ok friend only here my tips. next time I will to be continues. i want going to

you ARE DJ


  1. hehehe..smangat bro kasih infonya sapa tau bisa memotifasi Dj2 yg masih kuncup untuk lbh maju lg..siiip dh...dpt slm dr si Jupe tuw hahaha..

  2. Hi guys,
    DENON HC 4500 skin anyone as it..
    if u have it pls mail me..

    Thank you


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